Current Work • Behold the Invisible: Recalled to Life • Preterition • Pass the Buck • Lifted / Framed
Remaster; the Psychology of Repetition
The Psychology of Repetition is a series of single images comprising a larger body of work that focuses on questions of hegemony, postcoloniality, representation, and imaging. The work examines repetition as a human impulse through a range of lenses, including personal confession, Freudian theory, and the histories of colonialization and globalized culture and economy.
Johannes Vermeer’s competence in rendering light and color disguises and lures the viewer away from his social and feminist critique of the 17th century European patriarchy. This is a technique I wish to make transparent to the viewer via montage. Composed of digital files, collages and pastel drawings, the series repeats, remasters, and reinhabits works by Vermeer. Through digital collage I superimpose a space for myself in the history of painting. Each image repeats the dimension and formal composition of a Vermeer original. The occupants, props, and history that constitute Vermeer’s works are conspicuously obscured, erased, rewritten and/or reprocessed.
While 17th century European painters favored oils for detail and verisimilitude, the Psychology of Repetition employs the material impermanence, fragility, economical and cumbersome nature of soft pastel. In contrast to the skilled and labor-intensive care with which each remaster is rendered, the “photoshopped” aspect of the quickly assembled montage is laid bare. The subjects and objects are rendered to appear physically collaged; they are not. Similarly, subjects that do not originate in the “West” might not appear to belong in the history of western painting; they can, and do.
Psychology of Repetition Interactive:
Website (Screen Shot), 2020
Artistic Director, Co-Production - Seth Weiner
Photoshop Files (.psd format)
Dimensions responsive, 6.2gb Raw
Remaster No. 3 (installation view), 2019
Club, incense, incense holder, sage, pastel on paper (18in x 16in), plexi, tape
Remaster No. 7 (installation view), 2021
Tiles, pastel on Paper (47 in × 39 in), tape, plexi, packing tape
Remaster No. 4 (installtion view), 2020
Candleholder, oranda goldfish figurines, bud vase, pastel on paper (18in x 15.75in), plexi, tape
Remaster No. 6 (installation view), 2020
Candleholder, pin cushion, pastel on paper (8in x 9in), plexi, tape